Hank Shih's profile

'22 TPEFW AW22 - #DAMUR feat. UberEats、臨江街夜市Linjiang NM


#DAMUR  AW22系列將會繼續用永續再生設計展演最新的街頭潮流風格,而本次的臺北時裝週品牌秀將會與UberEats和臨江街夜市攤販跨界合作,以夜市為本次品牌秀的舞台、夜市人物為本次設計靈感,並結合虛擬體驗、數位消費、原創音樂、NFTs、台北夜生活文化,打造周邊#時尚聯名系列、夜市時裝週特別活動,與一場跨世代與潮流的時裝秀。

The convenience that the internet provides us with and the advancement in technology have changed life in the 21st century. The development of the virtual world has far exceeded its previous limitations, making us wonder what is real and what is virtual? Perhaps in the 21st century, the difference between the virtual world and the real world is only in the platform. Perhaps the virtual world does not need to be connected to the real world. The perceptions and definitions of all things in life are changing all the time, just like #Glitch, something mysterious and unidentified that is caused by accident.
'22 TPEFW AW22 - #DAMUR feat. UberEats、臨江街夜市Linjiang NM


'22 TPEFW AW22 - #DAMUR feat. UberEats、臨江街夜市Linjiang NM
